Old Molly Metcalfe

Old Molly Metcalfe is a song from Jake Thackray’s 1972 album, Bantam Cock.

This is an AI-generated image based on my own photographs and inspired by the song.


Old Molly Metcalfe counting sheep,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she counted.
Up upon Swaledale, steep and bleak,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she said.

Grow, little sheep, come hail, come snow,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she counted.
Fine warm wool for a gentleman’s shoulder blades,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she said.

Over the heather when the weather is cold,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she counted.
Stiff Molly Metcalfe goes bow-leggedly,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she said.

Grow, little sheep, come wind, come rain,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she counted.
Fine warm wool for a lady’s counterpane,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she said.

On her back in the bracken with frozen bones,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she counted.
Daft Molly Metcalfe singing alone,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she said.

Grow, little sheep, come death, come dark,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she counted.
No such wool for Old Molly Metcalfe,
Yan tan tether mether pip, she said.

Midjourney + Magnific

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In this BBC Four TV broadcast from 6 November 1971, he explained the shepherds’ counting system and sang Old Molly Metcalfe.